"BOTS" the name itself describe what it is and what it can do.
But the question is what can telegram bots do?
Well it can do various task automatically but some of it are very interesting and hand picked by me.
Therefore there are some awesome bots you should try on Telegram.
1) Takes remote URL of any image and post it to telegram remotely. Simple input and output.
Source:- https://t.me/photo_url_uploader_bot
Telegram:- @photo_url_uploader_bot
2) Takes remote URL of any video + PDF but... upto 20MB as per telegram api RULES. But any ways it still works like a charm. Same way simple input and output.
Source:- https://t.me/video_url_uploader_bot
Telegram:- @video_url_uploader_bot
3) This bot takes URL of video + file + etc etc and same as the above but accepts certain format.
i.e. <URL of your file> | <your comment of discription>
Eg. http://some url | bla bla
Source:- https://t.me/file_url_uploader_bot
Telegram:- @file_url_uploader_bot
4) This bot takes URL of facebook video and uploads remotely to telegram. But not the Image. For image no. 1) does the work.
Source:- https://t.me/fbvidz_2_bot
Telegram:- @fbvidz_2_bot
5) This bot takes URL of instagram video and uploads to telegram remotely and also it can upload private videos unlike facebook bot.
Source:- https://t.me/instavidz_2_bot
Telegram:- @instavidz_2_bot
6) This bot is a simple replace text bot but... it can also be fun...
Eg. Just type this-> 11111111111111111111|1|๐๐ฆ๐๐๐๐๐บ๐๐ณ๐น๐๐
and see what happens.
Source:- https://t.me/linebreak_bot
Telegram:- @linebreak_bot
7) This bot take bulk HTTPSSSS and make it into single https every line.
Why? Cos sometime there are whole lot of image or video url that you want to make it separate. That can happen when you are on your computer but on the phone it might take a little work. But here on this bot you give give bulk urls and it will make into separate url every line. Just simple input and output thingiee...
Source:- https://t.me/urlbreak_bot
Telegram:- @urlbreak_bot
8) This bot is openload bot on telegram. Its capacity is upto 2GB. That means you can upload upto 2GB file / files. No limit. just upload any thing. But this bot has 3 parts. One bot only use to upload other one to download and other to create telegram template. Why not all this in one bot well... I dont know. But what I know it works like a charm.
a) For Upload - (This bot will upload and give you an ID)
Source:- https://t.me/oplup_bot
Telegram:- @oplup_bot
b) For Download - (Pass the ID to this bot and it will give you openload link)
Source:- https://t.me/opldw_bot
Telegram:- @opldw_bot
c) For Template Generating - (Give the generated openload link to this bot.)
Source:- https://t.me/opltp_bot
Telegram:- @opltp_bot
9) This bot is another alternative of openload bot. If the server is slow in the previous bot then use this bot. The whole thing is the same.
a) Openload Uploader
Source:- https://t.me/openloaduploader_bot
Telegram:- @openloaduploader_bot
b) Openload Downloader
Source:- https://t.me/openloaddownloader_bot
Telegram:- @openloaddownloader_bot
c) Openload Template Generator
Source:- https://t.me/openload_template_bot
Telegram:- @openload_template_bot
10) This bot creates short links from shorte.st website. Just give it any url you like to share.
Source:- https://t.me/shortestbot
Telegram:- @shortestbot
15) This bot will create Adfly shortlinks if you want to share adfly shortlinks.
Source:- https://t.me/pettylinkbot
Telegram:- @pettylinkbot
16) You must have heart about SMS BOMBER APP but ever heart about SMS BOMBER BOT?
Well, this bot works all over India, sadly not for other countries not yet.
It accepts format like 9999999999 | 10
<Mobile number> | <Number of times>
No need to put +91 as it works for Indian mobile numbers only!
Source:- https://t.me/sms_bomberbot
Telegram:- @sms_bomberbot
There are more COOL BOTS Posted
here -> https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEZBzTN-51KHrunf6Q
have a look....