Hello blog mates,
Thank you for your kind words and support.
Truly speaking .... I made this blog just to pass my time.
I was also hoping if I was able to get traffic I would apply for adsense or something.
But I screwed up my adscene account so no adsense for me as you can see here.

Plus I never expected that I would get traffic on my blog like this.

I just posted to whatever I had learnt and whatever I knew.
About hacking and stuff which I was interested in and then some important softwares during that time and then moved on to python.
I did not post much since after because I faced many challenges in my personal life.
My head was not right. I am human too. I can too feel shit.
But I decided that I will create a fresh new blog. And post good stuff to whatever I know. Also I have a youtube channel which not all that great but yaa getting there as time passes by.
Thank you for your kind words and support.
Truly speaking .... I made this blog just to pass my time.
I was also hoping if I was able to get traffic I would apply for adsense or something.
But I screwed up my adscene account so no adsense for me as you can see here.
Plus I never expected that I would get traffic on my blog like this.
I just posted to whatever I had learnt and whatever I knew.
About hacking and stuff which I was interested in and then some important softwares during that time and then moved on to python.
I did not post much since after because I faced many challenges in my personal life.
My head was not right. I am human too. I can too feel shit.
But I decided that I will create a fresh new blog. And post good stuff to whatever I know. Also I have a youtube channel which not all that great but yaa getting there as time passes by.