Python Design Patterns
Section 1: Design Pattern
Warm Up
1.1 The Course Overview
❶ This
video provides an overview of the entire course.
1.2 What Are Design Patterns?
Understand what design patterns are and why they are useful.
❶ Explore the concept of a design pattern
❷ Look at where design patterns originate from
❸ Understand the uses and pitfalls of design patterns
1.3 Design Pattern
Introduce the three main classifications of design patterns,
and categories of each that will be covered in
the course.
❶ Introduce the Creational design pattern
❷ Introduce the Structural design pattern
❸ Introduce the Behavioral design pattern
1.4 Advanced Python Topics
Explore some advanced inbuilt Python implementations of some
design patterns.
❶ Demonstrate how a Python iterator works
❷ Understand and explore examples of list comprehension
❸ Understand and explore examples of Python decorators
1.5 Inheritance in Python
Look at how single and multiple inheritance works in Python,
with an understanding of the differences between Python 2 and 3.
❶ Demonstrate single inheritance with overriding and
❷ Understand multiple inheritance and method resolution order
❸ Be aware of different inheritance syntax between Python
Section 2: Producing with
2.1 Factory
Present the Factory pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Factory pattern
❷ Study diagram of the general implementation of the pattern
❸ Walk through a concrete implementation of the Factory pattern
2.2 Abstract Factory
Present the Abstract Factory pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Abstract Factory pattern
❷ Understand how it’s an extension of the Factory pattern
Extend the previous example to demonstrate an Abstract Factory implementation
2.3 Builder
Present the Builder pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Builder pattern
❷ Study diagram of the general implementation of the pattern
❸ Walk through a concrete implementation of the Builder pattern
2.4 Prototype
Present the Prototype pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Prototype pattern
❷ Demonstrate how it can be used to avoid initialization costs
❸ Demonstrate how it can be used to copy and modify an instance
2.5 Singleton Versus Borg
Present the Singleton and Borg patterns.
❶ Understand and demonstrate the Singleton and Borg patterns
❷ Compare both patterns and discuss advantages and
disadvantages of each
❸ Show that Python modules are Singletons
Section 3: Structuring
3.1 Model View Controller
Present the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the MVC pattern
❷ Introduce Python web frameworks, Flask and Django
❸ Consider an example of MVC in Flask
3.2 Façade
Present the Façade pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Façade pattern
❷ Understand the benefits of the Façade pattern
❸ Apply the Façade pattern to the mechanics of starting a car
3.3 Proxy
Present the Proxy pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Proxy pattern
❷ Example of Proxy pattern using common interface with real
❸ Example of generic proxy class which can be subclassed
3.4 Decorator
Present the Decorator pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Decorator pattern
❷ Show how it can be better than subclassing
❸ Example of using decorators to compose different UI windows
3.5 Adapter
Present the Adapter pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Adapter patter
❷ Explain when one might want to use the Adapter pattern
❸ An example of adapting a European socket to an American one
Section 4: Behaving
4.1 Command
Present the Command Pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Command pattern
❷ Demonstrate the general Command pattern implementation
❸ Look at an example of cut and paste from a screen of text
4.2 Interpreter
Present the Interpreter pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Interpreter pattern
❷ Demonstrate the general Interpreter pattern implementation
❸ Implement a simple rule validator using the Interpreter
4.3 State
Present the State pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the State pattern
❷ Demonstrate the general State pattern implementation
❸ Apply the pattern to changing states of a computer
4.4 Chain of Responsibility
Present the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Chain of Responsibility
❷ Explain when it should and shouldn’t be used
❸ Example of a garage handling cars with different servicing requirements
Section 5: Behaving
Ourselves Again
5.1 Observer
Present the Observer pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Observer pattern
❷ Explain its relation with MVC
❸ Show an example of stock markets observing a company
5.2 Strategy
Present the Strategy pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Strategy pattern
❷ Program to an interface, not an implementation
❸ Use the strategy pattern to find prime numbers
5.3 Memento
Present the Memento pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Memento pattern
❷ Create an Undoable class using a Memento class
❸ Compare with the Command pattern to implement undo
5.4 Template
Present the Template pattern.
❶ Understand the intention of the Template pattern
❷ Understand how it’s used in frameworks
❸ Demonstrate an example of using a template to make different
5.5 Reactive Programming
Present the concept of reactive programming and RxPY.
❶ Understand the intention of reactive programming
❷ Introduce RxPY - a set of Python libraries for reactive
❸ Show how to install and start using RxPY
Section 6: No Pattern
(a.k.a AntiPattern)
6.1 Spaghetti Code
Present the spaghetti code AntiPattern.
❶ Understand why spaghetti code is an AntiPattern
❷ Understand common symptoms, consequences, and causes
❸ Demonstrate a spaghetti code example, explain how to improve
6.2 Blob
Present the blob AntiPattern.
❶ Understand why blob is an AntiPattern
❷ Understand symptoms and consequences of blob
❸ Demonstrate how to refactor away from a blob class
6.3 Functional Decomposition
Present the functional decomposition AntiPattern.
❶ Understand why functional decomposition is an OO AntiPattern
❷ Understand the symptoms and consequences of functional
❸ Compare a functional decomposition versus an OO solution for
a problem
6.4 Copy and Paste
Present the Copy and Paste AntiPattern.
❶ Understand why Copy and Paste is an AntiPattern
❷ Understand symptoms and consequences of Copy and Paste
❸ Explore potential causes of Copy and Paste programming