

Total Chapters - 4

1 - Introduction -
a - What will you learn from this course
b - Introduction to Raspberry Pi
c - Download and transfer NOOBS to SD card
d - Install and configure Raspbian OS

2 - Learning Linux and Python -
a - Introduction to Linux
b - Python basics - Mathematical operations and Print command
c - Python basics - Control flow and decision making statement
d - Python basics - Comparison operator and random function

3 - The number guessing game - Programming the Pi using Python -
a - Guess the number game - Get the player name
b - Guess the number game - Restrict player attempts
c - Guess the number game - Run the program
d - Guess the number game - Error debugging

4 - Dancing Christmas tree lights - Controlling the Raspberry Pi hardware -
a - Know your Christmas lights
b - How the Christmas light circuit works
c - Assembling the hardware for Christmas lights
d - Begin the code
e - Code for lights - Pattern RGB
f - Code for lights - Pattern ONE BY ONE
g - Code for lights - Pattern RUNNING
h - Code for lights - Call the user defined function
i - Error debugging and running the project
j - Conclusion


4 - Dancing Christmas tree lights - Controlling the Raspberry Pi hardware

a - Know your Christmas lights

b - How the Christmas light circuit works

c - Assembling the hardware for Christmas lights

d - Begin the code

e - Code for lights - Pattern RGB

f - Code for lights - Pattern ONE BY ONE

g - Code for lights - Pattern RUNNING

h - Code for lights - Call the user defined function

i - Error debugging and running the project

j - Conclusion



Total Chapters - 4

1 - Introduction -
a - What will you learn from this course
b - Introduction to Raspberry Pi
c - Download and transfer NOOBS to SD card
d - Install and configure Raspbian OS

2 - Learning Linux and Python -
a - Introduction to Linux
b - Python basics - Mathematical operations and Print command
c - Python basics - Control flow and decision making statement
d - Python basics - Comparison operator and random function

3 - The number guessing game - Programming the Pi using Python -
a - Guess the number game - Get the player name
b - Guess the number game - Restrict player attempts
c - Guess the number game - Run the program
d - Guess the number game - Error debugging

4 - Dancing Christmas tree lights - Controlling the Raspberry Pi hardware -
a - Know your Christmas lights
b - How the Christmas light circuit works
c - Assembling the hardware for Christmas lights
d - Begin the code
e - Code for lights - Pattern RGB
f - Code for lights - Pattern ONE BY ONE
g - Code for lights - Pattern RUNNING
h - Code for lights - Call the user defined function
i - Error debugging and running the project
j - Conclusion


3 - The number guessing game - Programming the Pi using Python

a - Guess the number game - Get the player name

b - Guess the number game - Restrict player attempts

c - Guess the number game - Run the program

d - Guess the number game - Error debugging


Total Chapters - 4

1 - Introduction -
a - What will you learn from this course
b - Introduction to Raspberry Pi
c - Download and transfer NOOBS to SD card
d - Install and configure Raspbian OS

2 - Learning Linux and Python -
a - Introduction to Linux
b - Python basics - Mathematical operations and Print command
c - Python basics - Control flow and decision making statement
d - Python basics - Comparison operator and random function

3 - The number guessing game - Programming the Pi using Python -
a - Guess the number game - Get the player name
b - Guess the number game - Restrict player attempts
c - Guess the number game - Run the program
d - Guess the number game - Error debugging

4 - Dancing Christmas tree lights - Controlling the Raspberry Pi hardware -
a - Know your Christmas lights
b - How the Christmas light circuit works
c - Assembling the hardware for Christmas lights
d - Begin the code
e - Code for lights - Pattern RGB
f - Code for lights - Pattern ONE BY ONE
g - Code for lights - Pattern RUNNING
h - Code for lights - Call the user defined function
i - Error debugging and running the project
j - Conclusion


2 - Learning Linux and Python

a - Introduction to Linux

b - Python basics - Mathematical operations and Print command

c - Python basics - Control flow and decision making statement

d - Python basics - Comparison operator and random function


Total Chapters - 4

1 - Introduction -
a - What will you learn from this course
b - Introduction to Raspberry Pi
c - Download and transfer NOOBS to SD card
d - Install and configure Raspbian OS

2 - Learning Linux and Python -
a - Introduction to Linux
b - Python basics - Mathematical operations and Print command
c - Python basics - Control flow and decision making statement
d - Python basics - Comparison operator and random function

3 - The number guessing game - Programming the Pi using Python -
a - Guess the number game - Get the player name
b - Guess the number game - Restrict player attempts
c - Guess the number game - Run the program
d - Guess the number game - Error debugging

4 - Dancing Christmas tree lights - Controlling the Raspberry Pi hardware -
a - Know your Christmas lights
b - How the Christmas light circuit works
c - Assembling the hardware for Christmas lights
d - Begin the code
e - Code for lights - Pattern RGB
f - Code for lights - Pattern ONE BY ONE
g - Code for lights - Pattern RUNNING
h - Code for lights - Call the user defined function
i - Error debugging and running the project
j - Conclusion


1 - Introduction

a) - What will you learn from this course

b) - Introduction to Raspberry Pi

c) - Download and transfer NOOBS to SD card

d) - Install and configure Raspbian OS

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