01 -:Introduction:-
├ Welcome.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yz5
├ Understanding prerequisites for Python.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzM
└ Using the exercise files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzX
02 Python Quick Start:-
├ Getting started with _Hello World_.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylK
├ Selecting code with conditionals.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzj
├ Repeating code with a loop.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yl2
├ Reusing code with a function.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzu
├ Creating sequences with generator functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzs
├ Reusing code and data with a class.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yl7
├ Greater reusability with inheritance and polymorphism.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzw
└ Handling errors with exceptions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylV
03 Setting Up Python:-
├ Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Windows.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylr
└ Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Mac.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylo
04 General Syntax:-
├ Creating a main script.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykT
├ Understanding whitespace in Python.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykP
├ Commenting code.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykx
├ Assigning values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykh
├ Selecting code and values with conditionals.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykG
├ Creating and using functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yka
└ Creating and using objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykm
05 Variables, Objects, and Values:-
├ Understanding variables and objects in Python.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjU
├ Distinguishing mutable and immutable objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjW
├ Using numbers.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjJ
├ Using strings.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjk
├ Aggregating values with lists and tuples.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjC
├ Creating associative lists with dictionaries.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjS
├ Finding the type and identity of a variable.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjd
└ Specifying logical values with True and False.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjv
06 Conditionals:-
├ Selecting code with if and else conditional statements .mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yhF
├ Setting multiple choices with elif.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yhL
├ Understanding other strategies for multiple choices.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yh3
└ Using the conditional expression.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yhB
07 Loops:-
├ Creating loops with while.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygM
├ Iterating with for.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yht
├ Enumerating iterators.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yh0
└ Controlling loop flow with break, continue, and else.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yg5
08 Operators:-
├ Performing simple arithmetic.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygj
├ Operating on bitwise values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygs
├ Comparing values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygQ
├ Operating on Boolean values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygu
├ Operating on parts of a container with the slice operator.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygw
└ Understanding operator precedence.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygc
09 Regular Expressions:-
├ Using the re module.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfI
├ Searching with regular expressions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfD
├ Replacing with regular expressions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfE
└ Reusing regular expressions with re.compile.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfb
10 Exceptions:-
├ Learning how exceptions work.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfr
├ Handling exceptions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yd9
└ Raising exceptions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfo
11 Functions:-
├ Defining functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ys6
├ Using lists of arguments.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ys1
├ Using named function arguments.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ydq
├ Returning values from functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ydy
└ Creating a sequence with a generator function.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yda
12 Classes:-
├ Understanding classes and objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ya0
├ Using methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yaz
├ Using object data.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ypX
├ Understanding inheritance.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yp5
├ Applying polymorphism to classes.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yat
├ Using generators.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ypM
└ Using decorators.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yag
13 String Methods:-
├ Understanding strings as objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yiN
├ Working with common string methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yi9
├ Formatting strings with str.format.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yi4
├ Splitting and joining strings.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yiZ
└ Finding and using standard string methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yiG
14 Containers:-
├ Creating sequences with tuples and lists.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yyO
├ Operating on sequences with built-in methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yyn
├ Organizing data with dictionaries.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yyR
└ Operating on character data with bytes and byte arrays.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yuU
15 File I_O :-
├ Opening files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yrV
├ Reading and writing text files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yr2
└ Reading and writing binary files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yr7
16 Databases :-
├ Creating a database with SQLite 3.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yro
├ Creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting records.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ye9
└ Creating a database object.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yrr
17 Modules :-
├ Using standard library modules.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ywS
├ Finding third-party modules.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ywJ
└ Creating a module.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ywC
18 Debugging :-
├ Dealing with syntax errors.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqz
├ Dealing with runtime errors.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqO
├ Dealing with logical errors.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqg
└ Using unit tests.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqn
19 Building a Database Application :-
├ Normalizing a database interface.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35t97
├ Deconstructing a database application.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35t92
└ Displaying random entries from a database.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35y0w
20 Conclusion :-
└ Goodbye.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35t8y
Ex_Files_Python_3_EssT.zip - http://ceesty.com/w35t8T
├ Welcome.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yz5
├ Understanding prerequisites for Python.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzM
└ Using the exercise files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzX
02 Python Quick Start:-
├ Getting started with _Hello World_.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylK
├ Selecting code with conditionals.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzj
├ Repeating code with a loop.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yl2
├ Reusing code with a function.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzu
├ Creating sequences with generator functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzs
├ Reusing code and data with a class.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yl7
├ Greater reusability with inheritance and polymorphism.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yzw
└ Handling errors with exceptions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylV
03 Setting Up Python:-
├ Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Windows.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylr
└ Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Mac.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ylo
04 General Syntax:-
├ Creating a main script.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykT
├ Understanding whitespace in Python.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykP
├ Commenting code.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykx
├ Assigning values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykh
├ Selecting code and values with conditionals.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykG
├ Creating and using functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yka
└ Creating and using objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ykm
05 Variables, Objects, and Values:-
├ Understanding variables and objects in Python.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjU
├ Distinguishing mutable and immutable objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjW
├ Using numbers.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjJ
├ Using strings.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjk
├ Aggregating values with lists and tuples.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjC
├ Creating associative lists with dictionaries.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjS
├ Finding the type and identity of a variable.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjd
└ Specifying logical values with True and False.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yjv
06 Conditionals:-
├ Selecting code with if and else conditional statements .mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yhF
├ Setting multiple choices with elif.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yhL
├ Understanding other strategies for multiple choices.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yh3
└ Using the conditional expression.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yhB
07 Loops:-
├ Creating loops with while.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygM
├ Iterating with for.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yht
├ Enumerating iterators.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yh0
└ Controlling loop flow with break, continue, and else.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yg5
08 Operators:-
├ Performing simple arithmetic.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygj
├ Operating on bitwise values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygs
├ Comparing values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygQ
├ Operating on Boolean values.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygu
├ Operating on parts of a container with the slice operator.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygw
└ Understanding operator precedence.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ygc
09 Regular Expressions:-
├ Using the re module.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfI
├ Searching with regular expressions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfD
├ Replacing with regular expressions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfE
└ Reusing regular expressions with re.compile.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfb
10 Exceptions:-
├ Learning how exceptions work.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfr
├ Handling exceptions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yd9
└ Raising exceptions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yfo
11 Functions:-
├ Defining functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ys6
├ Using lists of arguments.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ys1
├ Using named function arguments.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ydq
├ Returning values from functions.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ydy
└ Creating a sequence with a generator function.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yda
12 Classes:-
├ Understanding classes and objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ya0
├ Using methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yaz
├ Using object data.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ypX
├ Understanding inheritance.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yp5
├ Applying polymorphism to classes.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yat
├ Using generators.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ypM
└ Using decorators.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yag
13 String Methods:-
├ Understanding strings as objects.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yiN
├ Working with common string methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yi9
├ Formatting strings with str.format.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yi4
├ Splitting and joining strings.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yiZ
└ Finding and using standard string methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yiG
14 Containers:-
├ Creating sequences with tuples and lists.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yyO
├ Operating on sequences with built-in methods.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yyn
├ Organizing data with dictionaries.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yyR
└ Operating on character data with bytes and byte arrays.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yuU
15 File I_O :-
├ Opening files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yrV
├ Reading and writing text files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yr2
└ Reading and writing binary files.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yr7
16 Databases :-
├ Creating a database with SQLite 3.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yro
├ Creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting records.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ye9
└ Creating a database object.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yrr
17 Modules :-
├ Using standard library modules.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ywS
├ Finding third-party modules.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ywJ
└ Creating a module.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35ywC
18 Debugging :-
├ Dealing with syntax errors.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqz
├ Dealing with runtime errors.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqO
├ Dealing with logical errors.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqg
└ Using unit tests.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35yqn
19 Building a Database Application :-
├ Normalizing a database interface.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35t97
├ Deconstructing a database application.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35t92
└ Displaying random entries from a database.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35y0w
20 Conclusion :-
└ Goodbye.mp4 - http://ceesty.com/w35t8y
Ex_Files_Python_3_EssT.zip - http://ceesty.com/w35t8T